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Baofeng UV-5R Reliable UHF Walkie Talkie with FM Radio

Baofeng UV-5R UV dual band walkie talkie. Handheld radios in this frequency band are generally FM modulated, with UHF frequencies of 400-470 MHz and VHF frequencies of 136-174 MHz. Due to the significant attenuation of VHF in the city, UHF can penetrate buildings well in the city, so this test only tests UHF frequency, and the VHF frequency will be tested next time in the wilderness.

    This walkie talkie also has FM radio function. After testing, the FM radio function will receive a lot of interference, which is far inferior to professional radios, but better than nothing, it is better than no radio to listen to. Full frequency/channel mode switching is very convenient, with dedicated buttons. Thanks to a monochrome 64 * 32 display screen, the menu can display the names of the options, and overall, the operation is relatively convenient.







    Power Output


    Channel Capacity


    Function Introduction

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